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Before installation, or if you have problems, read the requirements section.

Step by step

  1. Unzip the Zip-file in a directory of your choice. The subfolder AZoJavaChecker will be created automatically, (e.g. c:\programs\ would be a good place).
  2. Info: The directory tree should now look like this:
./AzoJavaChecker/ Contains the executable JAR-File. Start this file.
conf/ Keeps configuration data. Do not edit those files directly, unless you know what you do!
javahelp/ Contains this (and more) documentation.
lang/ Contains language-specific files.
rules/ Contains the rule files. Feel invited to store your rule files there to.
samples/ Some example-source-code for your first steps.
  1. [not necessary for demo] Copy the "license.key" file you received from me, to the root of the installation directory (to AzoJavaChecker/). Additional information at:  licence.html
  2. Start the application from command-line with:
    cd [Installation-directory] AzoJavaChecker\bin\
    java -jar AzoJC.jar

    cd [Installation-directory] AZoJavaChecker/bin/
    java -jar AZoJC.jar

  3. Most Operating systems support direct starting of an executable jar-file by double-clicking with the mouse. It is a good idea to create a link from AzoJC.jar to your desktop.